Linh Dao Smooke

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To Get through a Tough Time

My personal mantra these days:

[ ] Nap. Even just for 5,10,15 mins. Close your eyes and rest, then tackle whatever it is that you need to tackle after you wake up with a renewed mindset.

[ ] Move. You think better when there’s oxygen in your brain. If the body is stagnant, so is the mind.

[ ] Slow down. What’s the rush? If you’re already late to something, rushing won’t change it. Sometimes you rush for things that you don’t even need to rush for, just because you plan it. Slow down and evaluate the situation before rushing.

[ ] Don’t be a perfectionist. Certain things won’t get done and that’s okay. Make peace with it and try to see the beauty in the chaos.

[ ] Use the Pareto principle to your advantage: 70% of the task will be done in the first 30% of the time. Move on after that. Dwelling on the details won’t improve the situation that much more.

[ ] Let yourself be consumed in emotions once in a while is okay. Feelings are valid and important. Don’t bottle them up. Cry it out, then move on.

[ ] Everything happens for a reason. You just don’t yet see the big picture. One day you will look back and be grateful and appreciative.