29 advices on my 29th birthday

This was actually taken on my 28th birthday haha

This was actually taken on my 28th birthday haha

29 today- here’s what I learned:

* A good night sleep makes all the difference

* Don’t take yourself too seriously

* Think big picture: things are not as important as they seem in the long run

* Don’t take your good neighbors for granted- they are a blessing

* Small acts of kindness matter more than big gestures

* Pay bills as soon as you can. Don't wait until due date

* Don’t be short with the people who you love the most, including yourself

* Lollipops are magic. Use them to your advantage with your toddler

* Walk everyday to an average of 10k steps

* When someone complains to you, listen. Don’t try to solve it for them

* Children are more resilient than adults often give them credit for

* Always set intention for your day- big or small tasks

* Make time for cleaning and organizing. A clean house = a clean mind

* Reach out when you need help

* See through the surface. Things are not always as simple as they seem

* Drink a lot of water every day

* Be genuine & honest when selling. Don’t sell something that’s not

* Remember: these are the good old days. Don’t look back and regret not appreciating the good old days enough

* Call your parents

* Say “thank you for ...” when someone does something you appreciate. Don’t wait

* Celebrate small wins

* Relationships of any kind (romantic, professional, friendship etc) is all about fit. Don’t beat yourself over something that’s not meant to be

* Hire slow, fire fast

* Finding yourself is overrated. You change and your definition of who you are also changes. Literally every 7 years, you are made anew

* Give feedback often and ask for them often

* Set a few moments in a day to breathe. Like, really breathe: long inhale, long exhale

* It’s never too late to learn

* Children do not owe you anything. They come to this earth to remind you what it means to be humans, and to make the world a better place, for you, and for them.

* Coming up with 29 things is extremely hard. I guess don’t be a perfectionist!


Business Lessons I Learned in Office Quotes and Facebook Statuses


2018: choose the silver linings in trying times