Words matter.
I write about Motherhood, Career, Feminism & Social Justice issues. I also write poems sometimes.
Lost in Translation: 101 Vietnamese Translations of US Movie Titles
The “too much explanation”, The “Spoiler”, The “Misleading”, The “well that’s more accurate”, The “Minimalist”, and The “LOL that’s creative”.
My Top 10 Podcast Recommendations
Everyday for the past few months, I wake up at around 5.30 am to prepare for my long glorious walk around this valley, as the sun rises and my brain, too, slowly wakes up. Most of my podcast consumption is concentrated in this 2-hour window. So today, I would like to share my top 10 favorite podcasts with you, ranging from contemporary culture to comedy to politics.
Go for it anyway
....is my answer to this question someone posted on Twitter the other day: "What is your best advice in 4 words or less". Let me tell you about the time I learn to connect all the seemingly isolated events in my career and came up with this advice in retrospect.
Letter to my daughter
My dearest daughter,
The first time I wrote a public letter to you, I was 4 months pregnant with you, not knowing your gender yet fixating in my heart you were a girl, on November 9, 2016. That was the day after the United States of America…
Black Lives Matter at Hacker Noon
Decades and centuries of injustice can't be solved by one hashtag, one banner, one company, in one day. But neither (and never) can silence.
What a Decade March has been
What a decade March has been. Yet, there has never been a month I'm prouder of our team at Hacker Noon.