Words matter.
I write about Motherhood, Career, Feminism & Social Justice issues. I also write poems sometimes.
“This too shall pass” and other 33rd birthday reflections
Feature Image: double rainbow after a long day of clouds and rain.
“What is the Key to Life?” and Other 32nd Birthday Ponderings
Spoiler Alert: I don’t think it is Happiness.
The Birth of Ira Smooke (and some Labor & Delivery Tips from a Mom of Two)
Ira Klay Smooke was born at 6:14 pm on May 9, 2022 at the Vail Hospital via a smooth, almost painless vaginal delivery ✨
My unpopular opinion re/ the latest Batman movie, or “Have you heard of the Bechdel Test?”
As recent as 2015, a third of Hollywood movies didn’t manage to have 2 named female characters talking to each other for longer than 60s about anything other than a man.
You Should Never Exclusively Host Your Content on Just One Platform
What would you do if one day you woke up and lost access to your beloved social media platform of choice?