Words matter.
I write about Motherhood, Career, Feminism & Social Justice issues. I also write poems sometimes.
The Birth of Our Third Child — May Hazel Smooke
Third babies do not mess around! We thought we knew what to expect and yet, miss May still completely surprised us with her entrance <3
Mother’s Day can be complicated, and it’s okay
Mother’s Day brings out some weird emotions in all of us, and that is okay.
How I’ve done with regard to my New Year “Resolutions” for 2024 so far (realistic)
The feature image might or might not reflect my progress thus far…Hope this give you some inspiration (thanks to the high & mighty aspiration) and comfort (due to the low grades thus far). lol. I’ll update at the beginning of next year.
On Grief
Last week's devastating news of an 18 year-old intern's parents' deaths (yes, plural) in India sent me straight into a spiral of grief, trauma and death reflections. I wrote this piece for anyone who has ever been dealing with grief. But most of all, I wrote this one for my grandpa in heaven.
2018: choose the silver linings in trying times
I always liked lotus. It’s the Vietnamese national flower, and it blooms from mud. Lotus reminds me of strength, resilience, beauty against all odds.