Words matter.
I write about Motherhood, Career, Feminism & Social Justice issues. I also write poems sometimes.
The Birth of Our Third Child — May Hazel Smooke
Third babies do not mess around! We thought we knew what to expect and yet, miss May still completely surprised us with her entrance <3
Mother’s Day can be complicated, and it’s okay
Mother’s Day brings out some weird emotions in all of us, and that is okay.
My decision to become a full time mother
The date was July 21, 2016. Just a month before that, I had been promoted to Head of Asia Marketing from Regional Manager of Southeast Asia at the world’s self-prolaimed most selective university.
Women and Negotiation: lessons I learned the hard way
It’s no secret that women negotiate much less than men in life, especially with regard to their careers.
Jennifer Lawrence, the brightest and most sought-after star in Hollywood in recent years, has talked about this in her letter “Why I’m paid less than my female co-star.”
Heart made of gold.
Jean was a puzzle to me since the day we first met.
She is effortlessly beautiful and never lingers for longer than a second about the way she looks. She’d always wear black. In her book, there are blacks, lighter blacks and darker blacks.
To all the beautiful men in my life: thank you for being in this together.
This post was going to be very angry. I was frustrated, violated, ready to wage a war. The amount of misogyny and sexism were too much for me to handle.